Mario's Bakery w Oceanside

Stany ZjednoczoneMario's Bakery



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409, Merrick Road, 11572, Oceanside, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-766-0891
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.6538243, Longitude: -73.6257761

komentarze 5

  • en

    Nancy Zelaya


    I use to love this bakery, ordered all my daughters cakes there. I also had family who go there but not anymore this is the last time ! Sat down ordered my cake as well as cake pops , gave them pictures and all and the cake that I received as well as the cake pops were horriable !!!!! It was one of the most expensive things I purchased and the worst ! Nothing looked the same wrong colors and looked so sloppy. Not only that the cake pops were cracked and way off the ones I was promised ! Last time for sure way to pricy to order something and not be delivered what you want

  • en

    maria Romero


    Horrible customer service, had placed an order for two cakes and on the day of the pick up I was running a bit late to pick up the cake. When I called to ask what time they closed they had said in 5 minutes and I was 15 minutes away from the place. The lady on the phone had a nasty attitude when I told her my situation over the phone and just told me to hurry up. They didn't even call me to confirm if I was going to pick up my cakes or not. If I would've never called they would've kept my money and the cakes. When going to pick up the cake ( about 10 minutes late after them closing) the employees had an attitude and gave me faces. The least they could've done is called at least 30 minutes before closing asking if I was going to pick up my cakes. Very disappointed and will no longer buy cakes from there.

  • eowyn Ramirez

    eowyn Ramirez


    Great Bakery!! But parking is an ordeal. This bakery is so popular that just going to get a cake is a nightmare. I had to make a line for over 45 minutes, and I already had pre order my pies. As good as they are.. Not worth the hassle.

  • en

    Poppy Rye


    Hated the customer service, I met with the owner of the place “Lou” or whatever his name is. I’m not sure if he had ADHD or was just being extremely rude during our consultation for a cake order. He sat down and answered emails before even addressing my presence. When he finally decided to, he was all over the place. He gave minimal options and did not try to work with me as far as pricing was concerned. I walked in as someone who didn’t speak with anyone on the phone earlier in the week. The price given to me on the phone and in person was a $100 difference. In the middle of speaking he got up multiple times (without excusing himself) to talk to staff members about “cleaning up”. I did not feel like my business was wanted and I’m assuming it’s not. Definitely won’t be going back. Sucks because I had plenty of business for this place- if they treated me right. ... let’s not even address race.

  • en

    Mike H


    The cookie selection is excellent and very good, I did have rainbow cake which is also very good their carrot cake was definitely not real cream cheese. Intended to be a little bit more on the sweeter side. But if you live in Baldwin New York it's one of the few bakeries left.

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