Marine Supply & Boat Repair Westchester, New York & Connecticut Suzuki Certified Dealer en New Rochelle

Estados UnidosMarine Supply & Boat Repair Westchester, New York & Connecticut Suzuki Certified Dealer



🕗 horarios

799, Main Street, 10801, New Rochelle, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 914-738-3070
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.902387, Longitude: -73.791389

comentarios 5

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    I"m Lucha a loyal customer of the store. just when i thought there was no honest people left in this type of buisness . oh boy i was wrong, until i met the most honest owners of the marine supply and service store. Which they go the extra mile to service all their customers with all their needs along with the best prices in the try state area. I encourage all new customers to come and purchase their supplies at this 5 stars, class AAAAA, great store.

  • Alan Ravanello

    Alan Ravanello


    Awesome awesome awesome Frank and Livia are the best. They are always there to help they are friendly and always look my to please there customers they alw at go out of their way to make sure you leave happy. And the store is in a great location. If you boat repairs Frank's the man you need to see.

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    Frank and crew pulled out all the stops to keep me on the water when I had engine trouble. They work very hard in the store and in the field. They treat you like family. Rick Sanders. White Plains.

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    Marisol Pellecier


    Great service and Knowledgeable! The only place I will go to for all my marine needs.

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    A new boat owners dream. They answered all my questions, gave me tips on how to take care of my boat. Since they are a Marine Mat dealer they helped me select a mat for my boat, and did a nice template for it. And now at the end of the season they winterized my boat asap. I Feel at home here and highly recommend them.

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