Marine Fishery i Great Neck

Forenede StaterMarine Fishery



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521, Middle Neck Road, 11023, Great Neck, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-487-3145
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.8007148, Longitude: -73.7342697

kommentar 5

  • Brian Robertson

    Brian Robertson


    Best spot to buy fresh fish in Great Neck, nice selection, clean, friendly staff. They will give advice on how to prepare whatever it is that you’re buying. You can see the quality difference between here and other places

  • en

    Kate Goldberg


    Great Place. Great Service. Great Fish.

  • en

    Deborah F


    Excellent selection, extremely knowledgeable staff, a Great Neck treasure for years. Top notch, top quality, and also top price. It's very expensive but you'll get excellent prime seafood so it's worth it. The salmon burgers are homemade with care and the best I've ever had. As is all the prepared items. Fresh and delicious. The fish never smells fishy it looks and tastes top, top fresh quality. Call in advance and your order is waiting for you packed for freezing or same day cooking when you arrive to pick up. They are SO nice and accommodating! Reluctant to try something new? Don't be that way here. You can get great grilling and cooking tips from everyone here, and they are spot on, and super helpful. It's a real experience and it's all excellent. Great parking and very convenient.

  • en

    Berta Graffeo


    Freshest and best seafood around. Owner is meticulous, personable, and will go the extra mile to accommodate your needs. The staff is also great!

  • en

    George Arnold


    My reliable unreplaceable place to buy fish for over too many years. They get to know you and want to serve you and you become part of the family. Taste the difference!!!!

nærmeste Mad

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