Mania Hair Studio i Park Ridge

Forenede StaterMania Hair Studio



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62, Park Avenue, 07656, Park Ridge, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 201-391-3947
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Latitude: 41.0330133, Longitude: -74.0375454

kommentar 5

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    stephanie garvey


    Dorothy cut and styled my hair. She is an amazing hairdresser. I always leave happy and can manage my hair so well after her haircuts.

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    Liz conrad


    Best hair salon I’ve been to in a long time! People are so friendly. Owners are so warm and welcoming. I’ve never been so happy with my hair. Always getting compliments and have referred a few people who are also pleased with the salon. Angela is my hairdresser is awesome!

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    Bridget Butler


    The salon is very clean and everyone cares about the customer. Very happy with my cut and color

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    beverly damelio


    I have been going to Manias for over twenty years it took me a long time to find a Salon that I was happy with. Agatha does my Manicures and Pedicures and Susan does my hair they both do an excellent Job. Everyone at the Salon is very pleasant and accommodating. The Salon is also very well maintained.

  • Julienne Leone

    Julienne Leone


    Best salon ever!! Sooo beautiful, clean, friendly, professional and just outstanding! Vanessa does amazing color and cuts my hair so perfectly! The ambiance is so relaxing, and everyone in the salon bends over backwards to see that your experience is all they care about! I travel almost two hours in each direction to just have my hair done so what does that tell you? First class service across the board!

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