Manhasset Nail en Manhasset

Estados UnidosManhasset Nail


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331, Plandome Road, 11030, Manhasset, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 516-627-2233
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.7971328, Longitude: -73.6997824

comentarios 5

  • en

    Ariana Papadopoulos


  • Krista Schieferstein

    Krista Schieferstein


  • Chloe C

    Chloe C


    They can kind of do nails and they talk about you in a different language and I don't really think they pay attention to what they are supposed to be doing. I went in one day when I was younger and I had bitten nails so they were criticizing me in a different language (Chinese.) I'm not even Chinese but I know a lot of it so if they want to talk about people maybe they should check if they know the language first. I understood all of it because I took Chinese in school. Also, the same day that they were criticizing me my nail technician told the person next to her (also a nail technician ) who was working on someone else's nails about my old bitten nails and I was thinking (wow they are very rude and with this quality of this place I don't think I will ever come back) and I didn't because of that disgusting criticism. My cousin still bites her nails and she went to that place not very long ago and they were criticizing her. Clearly that has not changed.

  • Shiv Unplugged

    Shiv Unplugged


    Nice people but they can't do nails

  • en

    Hilary Chasin


    My favorite little secret in Manhasset. Clean, Friendly, Awesome Peddie's.

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