Mangoville w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneMangoville


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

187-30, Jamaica Avenue, 11423, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.7099339, Longitude: -73.7710599

komentarze 5

  • Jannisol s

    Jannisol s


  • en

    Unknown Unknown


    Of course the same owner for bamboo garden .now it make sense why this place is fallen apart....hey owner it's time to retire you definitely lost the ability to run a business

  • Alberto Gonzalez

    Alberto Gonzalez


    the only thing that I don't like about mangos is the hustle with the bartenders , I understand how that works but if they only think about themselves who's thinking about the place ? Cause I love mangos but my last experience was bad cause if you don't do what they like and I mean drink fast and a lot , they will give you a hard time , berry annoying . $15, 20 , 25 tree bars same drink (Bartenders can and do ruins good spot )

  • en

    Christine Yup


    Ok, so I went here with my daughter a few days ago and asked to be seated, the place inside is quite dark, but cozy if your on a date. The staff were very friendly and polite. After looking over the menu, I realized the Oxtails were $20.00, so I asked if the TO GO menu was priced differently for the Oxtails and was told yes, Small is $13.00 and Large $17.00, well that was a no brainer for me, not to sound cheap BUT--Hello, I will take the small with 2 sides and peas and rice-TO GO please! My daughter ordered the Mango Fries for $4.00 and a rum cupcake, the Mango Fries were delicious, freshly made with some coating of parmesan cheese or something, the Oxtails were delish along with peas & rices- good and Macaroni and cheese and cabbage all very Good! Not enough Oxtails though, but thats all restaurants, they give you about 5-6. My only complaint was the cupcake-it was dry and hard as a brick, I should offer to make them cupcakes to sell---I can blow/bake that cupcake out the WATER! Overall, the staff was great, food delicious and I will be going back.

  • Shadé Ibe

    Shadé Ibe


    Worst food ever!!!

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