Mandee i West Haverstraw

Forenede StaterMandee



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U.S. 9W, 10993, West Haverstraw, Rockland County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 845-786-0210
internet side:
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Latitude: 41.2061884, Longitude: -73.986148

kommentar 5

  • Kenneth Faro

    Kenneth Faro


    Shop warn rug that is also dirty, shoes just thrown on a shelf in a pile. Reminds me of a dollar store

  • gabrielle ferrier

    gabrielle ferrier


    Absolutely TERRIBLE customer service. !

  • en

    Stephanie Laurent


    I was at this store yesterday evening. It was 7 pm, I was going to the fitting room when the manager of the store told me the fitting room was closed. So I asked what time the store was closing, she said 9 pm. TWO HOURS before store closing and the fitting room was closed. When I questioned her about why the fitting room was closed so early her response was”the fitting room closes when I say it is.” They had no signs up indicating fitting room operating hours. I found it strange that Mandee would leave it up to staff to choose when to close their fitting rooms. This manager was rude, unprofessional, confrontational and I was just baffled by such disrespect towards a paying customer. When I asked for her name she told me her name was Maria, proceeded to ask me to leave HER store and that not only I could not use the fitting room, she would not let me pay for my clothes. All because she was confronted for having no customer service, being rude and disrespectful. I found out her real name later after leaving the store and speaking to another unhappy customer who happened to know her. I like going to this store because instead of running to the mall this place is near my house, very convenient. But after the treatment I received yesterday, I am beyond disgusted with the staff Mandee has working there.

  • catalino vega

    catalino vega


    My daughter purchased a dress which stated was her size. Tried it on and found it was too small. We t back to exchange it and was told it was a final sale no refunds. She was looking to exchange it for one that would fit her not a refund. Was told by cashier she couldn't. I asked for a manager and she was no help. Said she should've tried it on, but when she had tried to do that there was no one available to open fitting room. Store needs a lot of help. Probably won't be there much longer

  • Cheryl D

    Cheryl D


    Nice styles but the sizing is way off. The staff can be a little inattentive.

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