Mancini Physical Therapy in Deer Park

Vereinigte StaatenMancini Physical Therapy


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375, Commack Road, 11729, Deer Park, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakte telefon: +1 631-522-1955
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 40.7595736, Longitude: -73.3131087

kommentare 3

  • Synergy Wellness

    Synergy Wellness


    Jon Mancini has so much experience in the field of physical therapy that it’s a no brainer. If you’re seeking a knowledgeable, friendly, honest, professional to get over any post surgical or pre surgical injury, then look no further. You’re lucky you found this office. It’s a gem located in Long Island. This physical therapy clinic has helped many of our patients when we need to refer out.

  • en

    James Goetz


    John was amazing after my shoulder surgery. He is professional, and has wonderful skills that were instrumental in getting the range of motion back to my shoulder. John provides alot of personal attention. His assistants Grace and Deanna are very friendly, warm, and caring. I am ve dry pleased with using Mancini Physical therapy.

  • Azm Sajed

    Azm Sajed


    I had been a patient to john for my back treatment in which I got hurt in my office falling in black ice. Could not walk due to pain and john excellent therapy treatment I am back to work. I would recommend all to check this therapist.

nächste Physiotherapeutin

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