
🕗 godziny otwarcia

Poniedziałekotwarte 24 godziny
Wtorekotwarte 24 godziny
Środaotwarte 24 godziny
Czwartekotwarte 24 godziny
Piątekotwarte 24 godziny
Sobotaotwarte 24 godziny
Niedzielaotwarte 24 godziny
1732, Manatuck Boulevard, 11706, Bay Shore, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7697093, Longitude: -73.2752013

komentarze 5

  • Michael Thomas

    Michael Thomas


    Outstanding responsiveness and service. Jose not only fixed our problem, but was very quick to arrive, affordable, and he even showed me how to keep an eye out for any potential future trouble with our boiler. Thanks Jose!

  • Mariposas Lives

    Mariposas Lives


    ANOTHER UPDATE 12/15/2017 Every winter ( 4 years) since Mr. jose install this boiler i have to call a company to do troubleshooting and to replace parts on it after so many problems i call a company to replace the boiler and the tech guy did call the company (NAVIEN) and navien will replace the boiler but they said that the problem is the way that the boiler was install and i have to pay another $1800 to HARTMANNS PLUMBERS in order to get the new boiler.BECAUSE THEY HAVE TO CUT THE PIPES AND DO IT AGAIN. by the way they never got this installation inspected FROM THE TOWN OR PSEG. REALLY BAD EXPERIENCE. Update November 2016 for the 3rd time I have to call a company to check my boiler because now the air intake is not properly install. I have to pay another $450 to make the boiler work. So frustrated The worse people to install a boiler in your Home the worse company you can deal with. i pay $16,000 to install a new system heat and ac, natural gas system and He (JOSE) could not install it.he call somebody else to do it. they did install the system but was poorly working i had to hire a different company to finish the job and get full service.

  • Ronnie Aviram

    Ronnie Aviram


    The service was great. The estimator was knowledgeable and polite. The price was fair (about 10% less than a 2nd estimate I got). The crew arrived on time competed the job within a day, and left the place neat and clean. The unit works great. I have used other firms in the past and none came close the the professionalism of Manatuck. I highly recommend them.

  • en

    Bryan Mendez


    We had a problem with our heating system so we called Manatuck Heating and Air Conditioning to assess the problem. The technician was immediate and responsive. When he arrived at our home he analyzed the problem which was a bad transformer. He was very distinct on what the problem was and what needed to be fixed. He replaced the ineffective part and we then had heat without a problem. We hadn't had a problem since. I was pleased with how professional they were and the quality of service I received. I would recommend Manatuck Heating and Air Conditioning to family, friends, and others. They are responsible and hard working.

  • en

    kassandra flores


    I have used Manatuck Heating & A/C in the past to fix my heating & A/C systemI call them again to come out and fix furnace. Came out same day as phone call. I forgot to give the technician my coupon so I called right away and left a message. They called me the next day told me it was fine and that they would mail me a check for the difference which was so nice. THERE SERVICE, PRICES ARE AWESOME! really impressed

najbliższy Hydraulik

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