Mamancy Tea & Chocolate w Beaverton

Stany ZjednoczoneMamancy Tea & Chocolate



🕗 godziny otwarcia

3831, Southwest 117th Avenue, 97005, Beaverton, Washington County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 503-596-2240
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 45.4918548, Longitude: -122.7991665

komentarze 5

  • T



    Perfect treats for afternoon tea! I love it that we can try different tea, and not just limited to one kind like some places. Great service!! We enjoyed every moment of it!!

  • Carli Heggen

    Carli Heggen


    All the staff were so nice and thoughtful they seemed to really put a lot of work into all the food. There was such a variety of tea flavors and it was so good. The chocolates and other desserts were amazing and so flavorful. I would totally come back again and I recommend you try it! Also, the building was so fun and beautiful. It was definitely the best tea and treats I have ever had!

  • Brandie Hardman-Wright

    Brandie Hardman-Wright


    I’d give it 6 stars. Had a tea and chocolate pairing with some friends. The chocolates are next level. Emily was knowledgable, friendly and warm. Great price for the experience and quality of tea and chocolate. Charming and indulgent with great service. My friends already mentioned doing the other high tea option in a few months. And of course I walked out with some of teas and chocolates we tried to take home 🤣.

  • Vince Manson

    Vince Manson


    Lovely little tea shop. The owner was so kind and friendly. I had a delicious caramel frog chocolate. Highly recommend for a nice calm experience. Don’t believe the 1 star reviews, they’re not true. Anne is so sweet, she greeted my roommate by name and was happy to see her again. 10% of Mamancy’s proceeds go to empowering women in Eastern Africa, so I don’t mind paying a bit more for good tea and a good cause.

  • Lavender Clouds

    Lavender Clouds


    Such a fantastic and cozy place for tea. They have tea and chocolates, they’re pretty wonderful I thought! My favorite tea of theirs are lavender fog and the matcha latte. They make their matcha latte on the sweet side just so you know. If you don’t like it sweet just tell them. The seating area is my favorite, the chairs are so comfy.. I love it!

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