Malouf Jr Shibly D DDS w Somerville

Stany ZjednoczoneMalouf Jr Shibly D DDS



🕗 godziny otwarcia

366, Broadway, 02145, Somerville, Middlesex County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 617-628-8000
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 42.3939219, Longitude: -71.0963859

komentarze 5

  • en

    Bob Messina


    I have been a patient of Dr malouf for decades. I am one of the doctor's oldest patient's and very proud of it. Doctor Malouf and his staff are great. Bob Messina 👌

  • en



    I just got four wisdom teeth pulled and it hurt significantly less than I was expecting. Everyone at the office was kind, especially the nurses and the Doctor. I would recommend this office to even the most skeptical patients.

  • en

    Vanessa Hansberry


    Receptionist are extremely rude, very unprofessional!

  • en

    chris adams


    i made an appointment a month and a half before the app they checked coverage im in agony now i need to wait 3 more weeks not cool UPDATE the following app they wanted to change the app i ask why and the nurse wispers in the phone tha the dr fell and they dont have a dr but they will make another app i said no thanks im in to much pain to play games then they inform my primary as i asked him to call they told him i never showed

  • en

    arthur green


    I already left a review on Yelp,but I have to say Dr Malouf is experienced Dentist,surgeon..I am scared of dentists,and his demeanor put me right at ease.if you want a no-frills Professional Experienced Dentist,then I highly recommend going to him.some people want to be sedated for EVERY minor procedure..IT'S NOT necessary all the time..he is a smart man,knows his business..a true asset to the somerville community..Thank You Dr. Malouf..

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