Макдоналдс in New York

Vereinigte StaatenМакдоналдс



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Freitag24 stunden geöffnet
Samstag24 stunden geöffnet
3001, Stratton Street, 11354, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakte telefon: +1 718-539-4570
webseite: www.mcdonalds.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 40.7700931, Longitude: -73.8344416

kommentare 5

  • Americasnexttophairstylist gray

    Americasnexttophairstylist gray


    They never have anything. No sauce no ice cream no sweet ice tea etc

  • 최정원



    Unkindness counter employee and buy happy meal then very salty french fries. I am so angry. For child food make salty. Too bad. Please training educate again

  • en

    Stacy Daley


    Filthy!!! Absolutely dirty and the juice machine is not right and was leaking all over the floor there was trash bags in the walkway and condemned all over the place. Will be reporting for sure not safe at all.

  • en

    helen chen


    Everything you can ask for. The food is like any MacDonald's except served better (crispy and perfectly salty fries, larger pieces of chicken, better toys)there's a place for children to play so they don't annoy you while you are ordering. There's a free bathroom too, so you don't have to use those unreliable tokens or passwords. The staff are nice too. Best McDonald's place ever.

  • en

    Ben Asamoah


    This place is awesome. Big space nice people. employees have smiles in their faces. I will give you a 5 stars. One thing though please have something like air freshener in bathroom. When you come out of there it feels like you pup on yourself. Keep up the good work guys. I came all the way from Massachusetts to pick up my family from the airport but I came early so came to your restaurant for breakfast. I will go and pick them up and bring them here again for lunch Terrific people

nächste Cafe

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