Макдоналдс w Riverhead

Stany ZjednoczoneМакдоналдс



🕗 godziny otwarcia

268, County Road 58, 11901, Riverhead, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-369-2551
strona internetowej: www.mcdonalds.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.9365265, Longitude: -72.6546344

komentarze 5

  • Vito Piche'

    Vito Piche'


    Cold coffee, took more than 10 minutes to get replacement They definitely need to improve customer satisfaction.

  • en

    Dulce E Medina Rodas


    Love the new look. I like the self ordering screen.

  • Christian Acevedo

    Christian Acevedo


    This McDonald's is a decent one. My only complaint is that the sandwiches are too expensive. One sausage egg and cheese biscuit is atleast 5$ with tax, meanwhile I can buy a sausage egg and cheese bagel for 2.99$ at 7/11. Also I ordered a 20 piece chicken nugget but when I counted how many there were , as I usually do, there were only 17. Just be careful if you go here, be ready to spend needless amounts of money on breakfast and count your 20 piece chicken nuggets before u go so you don't get ripped off. (Edit: they've since offered a 2 for 5$ deal with the breakfast sandwiches, and they haven't gipped me on the chicken nuggets since)

  • Jonathan Randolph

    Jonathan Randolph


    Standard experience at McDonald's. It's just mehh with its regular burgers and french fries and basic cashiers America has grown to love. Nothing terrible or grand about this location.

  • en

    Mike La Verdi


    Latest innovation of self serve kiosk has you customizing your order. Lots of fun! Food brought right to your table. Even if you don't use the kiosk and order the old fashioned way, they will still bring your order to your table. Remodeling has created comfortable and pleasing atmosphere to enjoy your food with family and friends.

najbliższy Kawiarnia

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