Макдоналдс i New York

Forenede StaterМакдоналдс



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144-01, Northern Boulevard, 11354, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 718-358-2416
internet side: www.mcdonalds.com
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Latitude: 40.764923, Longitude: -73.823349

kommentar 5

  • en

    Sandra Munoz


    This place is very slow and NOT clean. The bathroom is very dirty. It looks like the personal there don't take care of it! The workers don't get along between them and the customers get affected because of this. It took 30 minutes to prepare Bacon, egg and cheese and coffee. Horrible . Never again in this place.

  • John Cuevas

    John Cuevas


    Sucks. Long lines, not clean, employees can be heard arguing, screaming at customers, meanwhile you can't get a seat because older asians and derelics occupy all the seats. I come for a large cup of ice water and still have to wait way too long even if there are only a few people on line. The bathroo.s are always dirty. Horrible. Jack the owner is really letting down his customers down by not keeping a better eye on this place. I would contribute with photos I've taken over time, where the garbage is overflowing directly beside a customers seat, the bathroom floor is flooded with urine and water from leaking piping. A condition that lasted for months. Lines almost to the door, potential customers walking off the line and out the door. Unfortunately those pick are lost otherwise they would be here. I don't doubt that new pics depicting poor conditions could be taken by any customer .

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    William Morel


    This was the first time I went to the lengths of calling Customer complaint. I will never go to this McDonalds again. I ordered my food and the employee that took it got a phone call on his watch and walked to the back. My order was done and I waited until another person started taking orders. When she was done with her transaction I asked her for my food and she replied “I’m with a customer” and rudely started talking in Spanish to another employee and wouldn’t you know I’m Hispanic. I proceeded to ask for a refund which was the only way that I could get service and walked out. I will never step foot in that place again!

  • Howie Shi

    Howie Shi


    McDonald's is always my one stop for quick food. Ordering the food is not that bad, but you will have to wait a long time your food to be ready.

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    yi diao


    My son ordered bacon cheese burger without pickle. But they give one cheeseburger and bacon burger. I tell them wrong, the guy tell me that is what my son order. The staff’s attitude so rude. I’m not going to there anymore. So many Mcdonal around. And there so small, restroom is so dirty. Definitely don’t go there anymore.

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