Макдоналдс w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneМакдоналдс



🕗 godziny otwarcia

136-61, Roosevelt Avenue, 11355, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-353-1471
strona internetowej: www.mcdonalds.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7603279, Longitude: -73.8279872

komentarze 5

  • Jose Mancia

    Jose Mancia


    Es excelente lugar para comer lo atiende bien a uno y siempre y lugar donde sentarse

  • en

    Shawn Nan


    Should have more lines for order, especially during the peak time (Weekend Lunchtime), the time it take to order and get your foods is incredibly slow.

  • cubanangel A

    cubanangel A


    Again with fast food being what they are, we as consumers should not have expectations......NOT! Like I know its not an easy job in general, but come on now, take the order, read the order, make the order and present the order in a timely fashion, hot, fresh, and as specified by the customer. No amount of redecorating the restaurant or self-ordering machines or even table service will help McDonald's or most fast-food chains if 1the owners are about profits and quantity and not worried about quality of the product you're selling. And finally having staff that takes working in this industry and with the public should, not be for the lazy. A job no matter what it entails should be done as though you were serving your mom or yourself. You are getting paid for it, respect and take pride in how you do your job. Mgement, treat your co-workers with respect and not like you think they need the job that bad, because if your employees are working in a safe, and good environment, then it's a win-win for all McDonald's and the customers.

  • Sergei Dzhumaev

    Sergei Dzhumaev


    At first I've been frequent customer as it's situated at a strategic point where all Q buses are connecting with 7 subway. Had to wait for my bus, had to eat away hunger. What made me angry at this place was the treatment of its staff. Some (in particular, a certain manager) treat you like s*t, and not as a decent human being. Which, let's be honest about it, sucks. Therefore, sayonara

  • Towhid Hossain Kishore

    Towhid Hossain Kishore


    I liked their cutesy. Meet a black lady she was awesome. God bless her. Food is as usual.

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