Main Street Cutters & Spa i Cornwall

Forenede StaterMain Street Cutters & Spa



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45, Quaker Avenue, 12518, Cornwall, Orange County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 845-534-2278
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Latitude: 41.433689, Longitude: -74.0391906

kommentar 5

  • en



    Service was disappointing. I visited this salon for the first time today. Samantha was friendly and a good stylist, but other than the shampoo/conditioner she did not put any product in my hair. Nothing for frizz or heat protectant. She rushed me out of the chair without showing me the back of my hair or asking if I was satisfied. Different stylists checked me out. They were having their own conversation and did not acknowledge me at all except to take and give back my card.

  • Maureen Flaherty

    Maureen Flaherty


    Great salon! Kristen is the best and all of the others are friendly and talented.

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    Rosemarie Moscato


    Great hair cuts and colorists-also a great place to get keratin treatments. Fabulous staff.

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    Shaakirah Aguilar


    Was a little worried about getting bayalge because the previous salon I went to did a horrible job , but I came here and Samantha Rubinstein did an incredible job!!! I absolutely loved it ! Came out so perfect the color looked so great with my tan complexion and she made sure it didn't come out orange. She was very friendly and it came out to a very good price. Will continue to go here

  • en

    Carole Mastromarino


    Have been going 2 Main Street Cutters for a few years Elizabeth does my hair cuts colors highlights she does a wonderful job very patient with me very kind very professional I constantly get compliments on the cut and the color. Also the atmosphere there is very nice everybody is friendly and polite and speaks to you not like some salons where everybody is snobby. I have also had my hair cut and colored by Kristen and a couple others if Elizabeth is off they all did a really good job I highly recommend anybody looking for a salon try Main Street Cutters.

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