Mailing & More en North Las Vegas

Estados UnidosMailing & More



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6462 Losee Road Suite 110, North Las Vegas, NV 89086, USA
contactos teléfono: +1 702-727-4644
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 36.2778614, Longitude: -115.1164044

comentarios 5

  • Rebecca Furlong

    Rebecca Furlong


    Hate waiting in line at the postal places. No lines here. Easy and quick in and out.

  • Michael Haynes

    Michael Haynes


    I was out in Vegas for a tech conference and I realized that I had forgotten my business cards back in Boston. I lucked upon Mailing & More and I am so happy that I did. They worked with me to create and design a new card on the fly and totally bailed me out. I couldn't be happier with my experience! Thanks again team!!

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    Benjamin Dwy


    Great experience at Mailing and More! They've always been most helpful for all my shipping needs. I also use their community computer for the occasional printing of tickets, and other various documents. Recently, they have been designing vinyl advertising for the rear window for my truck/business. Stop by and see what they can offer you!

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    Daniel Melbourne


    Mailing and More has always provided me with exceptional service, at all three locations. I wouldn't dream of trusting my marketing, printing or shipping needs to anyone else. Excellent value for the money, and, as a box holder, peace of mind that my important deliveries will not go missing! My strongest recommendation!!

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    Tania Robledo


    I wish I could give them zero stars... never going again... let me try and make my long miserable story short. I had to mail a package internationally but I asked if the could send it to another packaging company they said okay gave me an address and number and sent it. To later find out by the person receiving it THAT THE F'ING ADDRESS DOES NOT EXIST! tried to get my money back( I paid 98 dollars by the way ). didn't give me a refund not even half, absolutely nothing, said it was my fault for asking for an employee for an address saying they're "not supposed" to do that, well that employee didn't even second guess herself!

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