MaidPro w Phoenix

Stany ZjednoczoneMaidPro



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2625, East Greenway Parkway, 85032, Phoenix, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 602-765-1964
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.627028, Longitude: -112.0250025

komentarze 5

  • harold pickering

    harold pickering


    RENEE IS FABULOUS!!!!! Our house always looks great...and it is just a pleasure to have a clean house and someone who is so trustworthy we can just come and go if we need too!!! We love MAIDPRO---especially our sweet RENEE.

  • en

    Cheryl D


    MaidPro cleaned my home after it was packed up for a move out of state. Great job.. my home sold in 2 days!

  • Ken McNichols

    Ken McNichols


    We’ve used staff from maidpro for over a year now and are very pleased . The cleaners not only clean what you mention, but take the initiative to ask questions about exactly how you want something done. I truly feel comfortable recommending them. We feel the costs are reasonable as well!

  • en

    Carol Lawrence


    I have been a MaidPro client for over 10 years and they have always done a very good job. This past week MaidPro sent Team 122 - Carolyn and Ameerah clean our home. Not only did they do an outstanding job cleaning our home but they were very caring regarding our health issues. I have requested that they be permanently assigned to cleaning our home.

  • en

    Maggie Hoffman


    I love having Maria clean our house. She has become like family. She cleans my house the way that I would if I had time. I never have to ask her to do something again or better. She does it the best way from the beginning. I travel often and I am comforted by the fact that Maria is so honest and can be trusted. She is hardworking and I have never even seen her pause for a break. Our dogs somehow know when it is Monday and often sit at the front door waiting for her. She is sweet to them and takes care to pet them and talk to them and makes sure that they always have water before she leaves. She is so loving to my elderly parents and helps them carry their luggage into the house when they come to visit. She is such a joy to have around with her always cheerful smile and disposition. You get such a bonus when Maria is here: A sparkling clean house and she always says God Bless You when she leaves. It doesn't get any better than that.

najbliższy Pralnia

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