Mahwah Nails i Mahwah

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109, Miller Road, 07430, Mahwah, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 201-529-0020
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Latitude: 41.0945282, Longitude: -74.1444602

kommentar 5

  • elyse dinome

    elyse dinome


    Best pedicure I ever had. Only $25!! They let you choose the scent of soap and lotion and really take the time out to give an amazing experience. I will definitely be back

  • en

    Neal Richards


    I actually only visited to pick up a gift certificate for a friend who loves this place and was greated promptly & kindly even though the salon was loaded-up with clients. Appears to be clean & well maintained.

  • en

    Anthony Bender


    The ladies who work there put you at ease and they even joke around/tease you in a fun way. I thoroughly enjoy the service and the friends I’ve made there. Absolutely the best mani pedi for extremely reasonable prices

  • Priscilla Nieto

    Priscilla Nieto


    Very great service. Made my appointment and it took only an hour for my mani and pedi. Everything was very clean and my nails look great! I will definitely be back again. The only down side is their massages were a bit too rough for my taste. But hey, free massages!

  • John Cho

    John Cho


    Wow this place is amazing! Jessie and her team made my wife's nails and feet sparkle. I won't let her come home now if her hands or feet are in rough shape, she had better get her paws fixed before coming home from now on!

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