Magly's Flowers w Elizabeth

Stany ZjednoczoneMagly's Flowers



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949, Elizabeth Avenue, 07201, Elizabeth, Union County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 908-527-9069
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.6604415, Longitude: -74.2067687

komentarze 5

  • en

    Janissa Cardona


    I wouldn't recommend this place to anyone here. The day I was suppose to pick them up my order for the table cloths...she didn't have enough knowing that I needed a specific number. I had to go the next day to pick up the rest of the table cloths and she didn't bring the right ones again. On top of that, the table cloths were dirty with stains and burn marks. Never again coming here!

  • Brian Reina

    Brian Reina


    Great service and beautiful work, my mom loved her flowers

  • en

    Sue TSavaris


    Not the best flowers. The flowers look kind of banged up. I bought a 25 dollar bouquet as a thank you for a doctor at Trinitas and it was just okay. If I was going to shop for one for my mother or grandmother I wouldn't come here.

  • en

    D Rivera


    Don't buy flowers here I pay to much and the flowers look shrivel and ugly and they didn't even look like in the picture false advertisement what a waste of money and time

  • Letip of Springfield NJ

    Letip of Springfield NJ


    What great service! Beautiful flowers! I was scrambling because of poor planning on my part to get my valentine a beautiful bouquet and I called Maglys at last minute (5:00 this evening - the Eve of valentines day) and the flowers were ready and delivered to my valentine already!!! She thinks I planned so far in advance... THANK YOU!!!

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