MAG Auto Corp w Poughkeepsie

Stany ZjednoczoneMAG Auto Corp



🕗 godziny otwarcia

605, Dutchess Turnpike, 12603, Poughkeepsie, Dutchess County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-452-2362
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.696531, Longitude: -73.892594

komentarze 5

  • en

    Carlos Cruz


    Forget the other dealers, Mag auto is the place to go if your looking for honest, patient, friendly people that will treat you like family and won't try to fool you with gimmicks and slick talk. Just bought a GMC Acadia and I couldn't be happier, I won't be going anywhere else for my next car, thanks Mag Auto.

  • en

    Bob Bucci


    Great place to buy a vehicle. Billy and Poppy were fantastic to work with! We will tell others to go there.

  • en

    Auras Trance


    First for the service. It was a very pleasant experience from start to finish. Poppy was very nice and super helpful with all of my questions. They even held the car for me while I went back and forth with my credit union for days. I would definitely do business here again. As for the vehicle it is in great shape for the year. The price was more than fair. I drove it home 2+ hours straight off the lot with no issues. Overall I'm super happy with my experience here.

  • en

    jazmine Inabangan


    I looked all over town for a particular vehicle and I had no luck. When I went to MAG Auto Corporation they made me feel comfortable and helped me find the vehicle I wanted. They also went above and beyond to make sure I got financed. If you are looking for a vehicle I highly recommend MEG Auto Corporation. In the future I'm looking forward coming back and purchasing my next vehicle. Thank You Anthony!!

  • en

    Brendan Lebitsch


    The best possible service. I am 16 and bought my first car from here. Anthony , who is in charge, was extremely hardworking and dedicated to making my experience the best it could’ve been. The car I bought had a few issues but he took care of everything and with no complaints. I am more than satisfied and I highly recommend him. His “small” dealership , which has over 100 cars, beats out big dealerships. His prices are great and I will definitely recommend him to anyone looking for a great car.

najbliższy Dealer samochodowy

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