Mad for Chicken w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneMad for Chicken



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157-18, Northern Boulevard, 11354, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-321-3818
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Latitude: 40.76337, Longitude: -73.807774

komentarze 5

  • LR M.

    LR M.


    Can’t say enough good things about this place. The boneless breasts are so delicious as well as the parmesan fries. I think the price is beyond low for the quality of the food and on top of that they have daily specials. The staff is always really nice and super attentive. The cocktails are AMAZING. Since their renovation they have a lot more tables which is good because it can get really busy but overall, there’s nothing I don’t like about Mad for Chicken. Keep it up, guys!

  • en

    Chidi Amasiani


    Great spot! The vibes inside were cool and laid back. The food is great, especially their chicken. I got the wings & drumsticks combo with the half & half sauce (soy garlic and spicy garlic). I enjoyed the level of heat. Staff were great, always checked on me. Would recommend.

  • Jazzmyne Morris

    Jazzmyne Morris


    Man I absolutely love this place. I stumbled upon it years ago and thought it woulr be a hole in the wall because of the name, boy was I surprised. This place has delicious food, and a really good selection of beer. Plus they just renovated to make it more spacious. It's good and I'll continue to go there.

  • Andy Seelall

    Andy Seelall


    I really like the place. The front has tables for dining, the middle has benches, and the back is the bar. Everything flows and the atmosphere isn't stuffy. The service is good and prices are reasonable. They're known for their chicken, but personally I didn't quite like it. The skin was too hard and there wasn't much meat inside! The flavor is delicious, but that's all you'll taste because it feels empty when eating it.

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    Andrew Feng


    I visited a few days ago and I'm surprised the layout changed. In the past, there used to be a divided section in the middle and the tables were more personal but it's all long tables with short and long legs. So you may very much be sitting in a table with 10 chairs by yourselves or sharing one with another group. I do think they're trying to accommodate large groups now for sports season and to compliment their bar/late night eats. The food is pretty much the same still. I always go for the large combo chicken drumsticks and wings with soy garlic sauce. Also the chefs special and truffle fries that night. As a free appetizer, they give these bomb popcorn which you honestly can feast out on it's own. Although the food is great, I wish the staff were more attentive to customers. We sat there for a while before any staff tried to come and ask us what we'd like. They all tried to look busy and walk through tables with a purpose. Throughout the whole night, we had one glass of water and when the water container ran empty, no one bother to refill it until asked. I'm not sure if it's the layout change that caused it to be harder to be attentive because it wasn't as bad in the past. I hope they improve because I love their chicken and it's one of the best place in Flushing.

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