Maaco Collision Repair & Auto Painting w Fort Worth

Stany ZjednoczoneMaaco Collision Repair & Auto Painting



🕗 godziny otwarcia

7229, South Hulen Street, 76133, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 817-263-6398
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większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.641768, Longitude: -97.395279

komentarze 5

  • Julie Cameron

    Julie Cameron


    Wow, huge rock dented and scratched my door. Stephen was very knowledgeable and easy to work with. Beautiful work on the door. No one would ever know it was damaged

  • en

    Mark Morgan


    Absolute worst! Provided two quotes and was supposed to have charged us for the lower. They couldn't find the lower in their system and charged us for the higher which was $600 more even though for the past two months they were totally aware we wanted to go with the lower quote. Totally unwilling to work with us. Ripe with highway robbery! Felt like I was dealing with a casino the entire time. They are good at their game, I'll give 'em that.

  • Courtney Mahaffey

    Courtney Mahaffey


    PSA: dont go to Maaco for mechanical anything. They put some of the old/obviously damaged parts back in my car, majority of the parts they did replace were used from salvage yards, did a ridiculous weld job, and on top of all that still left aesthetic damage. && that’s after keeping my car for 10 MONTHS. On the bright side, I’m thankful for the learning experience. But that car had to be replaced. And that’s after the whole situation had already put me out thousands of dollars.

  • Dianna Louise

    Dianna Louise


    This Maaco does NOT disappoint! Take your car to Hulen street to get the affordable Maaco prices; at the same time you'll dodge that notorious "cookie-cutter, quick fix" paint & body job the brand has sadly become known for, thanks to many of the (uncertified) other franchises. THIS particular Maaco on South Hulen Street is *certified*, owned by Mark, managed by Shannon and the lead painter is David. David is an amazingly talented artist who does outstanding work, and honestly should be at a shop that far surpasses this place. Maaco is totally blessed to have his abilities back at their shop! While he is here, get your car in today! His expertise are in the areas of airbrush and hydrographics. No matter what your needs are, Maaco has the paint job to fit your budget. & no matter what he's working with, in any price range, David will give your car a breathtaking custom paint job, of the highest quality and caliber- guaranteed. No vehicle leaves his care until it passes careful personal inspection. David's work is nothing short of awe-inspiring.

  • Lukasz Gorecki

    Lukasz Gorecki


    Was very pleased by the level of professionalism, speed of work and the quality of paint. The fender and bumper I needed painted were done in a timely matter, matched the rest of the car perfectly and the price was less than I expected. Highly recommend!

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