Ma Ma Olivia's Pizzeria w Aurora

Stany ZjednoczoneMa Ma Olivia's Pizzeria



🕗 godziny otwarcia

477, Sable Boulevard, 80011, Aurora, Arapahoe County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 303-366-1605
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 39.7236829, Longitude: -104.8209425

komentarze 5

  • en

    Gale Penford


    I ordered two meals and they were delivered on time. Everything was delicious! I'm ordering here more often. One of the delivery men did not speak English. 🙁

  • Buff Monkee

    Buff Monkee


    Ugh. Avoid if you can. Sauce tastes like tomato paste, sparse on toppings, "former laundromat" atmosphere. Why isn't this place a MOD yet?

  • en

    Brittni Smith


    One of the worst pizzas I’ve ever came into contact with. Would give zero stars if this would let me. This is not a matter of opinion either, there is no way anyone could think this pizza is anything better than “almost edible”. All of these 4-5 star reviews have got to be fake. Either done by a(n) employee or a robot. Will never order from here again and I suggest you do the same.

  • en

    Sam Parker


    Worst pizza I have ever had, and I am not picky at all. Ordered late and I think that might be the reason I received a pizza that looked 5 hours old. Toppings nowhere near the edge of the crust and cold, out of my group of three nobody was even brave enough to take a bite out of this monstrosity. If Tom Hanks had delivery service to the island in castaway he would have STILL opted for the campfire fish. Zero stars if possible so i guess you can keep the one. Keep the change ya filthy animals.

  • en

    Tiffanie Smith


    This place has changed since the last time that me and my husband went there. It was lunch time and it was practically empty so that should have told us then. I'm not saying that the pizza was not good but I remember it was better so I'm thinking that they changed management or something and to be honest I think it was high in price. We could have just order a pizza from Dominoes, Pizza Hut, etc. with delivery and paid less and got pizza that was just as good. I like to eat out at various places and give this place a C-. One because they didn't seem friendly, did not smile and like I said the pizza was ok. Also the place could use a good cleaning.

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