Luna's Tortillas w Dallas

Stany ZjednoczoneLuna's Tortillas



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8524, Harry Hines Boulevard, 75235, Dallas, Dallas County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 214-747-2661
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Latitude: 32.8367569, Longitude: -96.86419

komentarze 5

  • James Lomonaco

    James Lomonaco


    I have been coming here since I was 6 literally! Now at 33 its still good as ever, a regular go to place for their pork tamales. I'll never get tired of it, also the people are great!

  • Damon Hampton

    Damon Hampton


    Super friendly, good food.great chips and salsa

  • Steven Yackel

    Steven Yackel


    I went here on the recommendation of some friends from my office as i had some business to do at a business very close by. They had obviously been here a couple times before because they were really recommending it. Well they were absolutely right to do so. The good old word of mouth can work just as good as Yelp does, well almost as good. I had the enchiladas with mole sauce. I was impressed with the size of the serving. When I get a rolled enchilada plate any more I usually get two enchiladas. On this plate I got three. I really enjoy just getting egg and onion enchiladas instead of eating the chicken and they were glad to accommodate my request. They were served with beans and rice that were very good and were the right amount. The mole sauce was delicious just like I remember having it in New Mexico. The sauce was slightly sweet and rich in its flavor profile while being mild on the spicy side. I found that I was trying to soak it up with my enchiladas in every bite, but there was so much of the delicious sauce there was still some left after I finished the last bite of enchilada. I will definitely be back. There is not a lot of options in the area, but this place would be great even if it were surrounded by others.

  • en

    Candi Diaz


    The food is great every time I go, the complementary chips and salsa are the best I've had and the staff is great always so nice, warm and welcoming. The tamales are off the chain and their tostada shells are like No one else's, I can hardly wait for them to move into their new location, so business can be booming for them once again. I love the Luna tortilla factory family!

  • en

    Brice Ambler


    Just go and try this place. I can honestly say it's amazing food. They accidentally dropped my food and replaced it quickly and comped my meal and my coworkers. They are very geniune nice people and next time I'm in the area I will be swinging into their new location. Flan is excellent as well. Amazing!!!

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