Lulus nails spa w Mount Sinai

Stany ZjednoczoneLulus nails spa



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156, New York 25A, 11766, Mount Sinai, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-928-1809
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.9323807, Longitude: -73.0302768

komentarze 5

  • en

    Bethany Lo


    I came here with my friend for our first-time last week. I enjoyed my experience there because of their friendly service. I liked the view and the room decorations. It was very convenient for me too.

  • Guanwen Cui

    Guanwen Cui


    Worth it! The environment is clean and quiet. Staffs are polite and doing everything gentle and careful. I picked one complex style from Internet and asked them to copy the same style for me, and they did it very well although I thought it is hard to do copy such a complex style on the picture but the staff just handled it very well. Also, the staff constantly asks me how I feel and how she was doing with the style, I felt really reliable on them to do my nail for the rest of my life.

  • en

    Feliciamichiko Fan


    This nail salon is very nice. The place is beautiful and you really do enjoy your experience there. The staff are very friendly and skillful. Their spa massage are absolutely satisfying. I don’t think you could ever go wrong with lulu.

  • en

    Emily Klein


    This place is wonderful Ivy does my nails & she’s so patient and really sweet. Highly recommend going here! Most places will give you an appointment and not honor your time. Here they wait for you and attend to you the whole time. There’s no switching chairs or switching nail techs in between your service. Great powder selection as well !

  • en

    bell zhong


    Lulu’s in a clean and sanitized condition, with friendly staff who are nice and easy to talk to. The nail technicians are so kind and do a high-quality job, pedicure staffs give very relaxing foot massage. This place has more than reasonable price. Highly recommended!

najbliższy Salon piękności

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