Lulu's Hair Studio w Islip

Stany ZjednoczoneLulu's Hair Studio



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528, Main Street, 11751, Islip, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-581-8500
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Latitude: 40.7290009, Longitude: -73.213333

komentarze 5

  • en

    Erika Hiby


    I went for a hair do and the girl was very unprofessional got upset when I told her to arrange it differently i.

  • Lisanne Romero

    Lisanne Romero


    I love the cut and color Christina gives me. Received a gift card 3 years ago and have been going back since.

  • Marissa Greg

    Marissa Greg


    haven't been back to this salon in 8 months. I'm still trying to grow out my hair from a terrible hair cut I received from Danielle P. I went to her a few times for my root touch up. Never seemed to get it right. Always was bleaching my ends because the wrong toner was put on. Which made my hair very brittle. I thought let me ask her to cut my hair, it will help with the color. I showed her a picture of what I wanted and she started cutting. A week later when I went to blow out my hair I noticed my ends looked worse then before the cut. My ends looked fried, coarse, separated. When it was time to get my root color done again I said to her why do my ends look like this after that hair cut ? Could it be those texturizing scissors you used ?? She looked dumb founded. Had no answers for me. I didn't think much of it. Thought oh my hair will grow. Well it got worse !!!!!!!!!! From all that bleaching of my ends and using a texturizing scissor on my hair. All my ends crumbled and fell off. So my long bob turned into a shorter in the front and longer in the back !!!!! It was horrible. When I went back again and showed her how the front of my hair looked. I said look I lost all this hair. She's like yea that can happen with bleach. I know you can get breakage from bleach in your root area because that's where the bleach is being applied and if you are not careful you can hit already processed hair causing it to break off. But when it's your ends that are breaking off. Something is wrong !!! Btw, when I first went to Danielle P for her to bleach my roots. She burned off my hair line with the bleach. I should of known then this wasn't a good place but, no didn't think it was a big deal. I went back again and told her to be careful. And to top it all off their prices are incredibly high for people who don't know what they are doing !!!!! I recently went and got a hair cut from Salon 230 West in Syosset by a woman named Brie. This too is a very expensive salon but, they actually know what they are doing. I told the woman my hair is uneven and I have too many layers in my hair. I also told her a texturizing scissor was used on my hair. She informed that those scissors are meant to be used for people who have thinning hair. Not my hair type which is frizzy, curly, and thick. She also told me those scissors separate the ends and make them look frayed. In the end my hair doesn't look as bad but I'm still growing out all these crazy layers I received which is going to take some time. And my ends are still very brittle from all the bleach. Please if you are going to bleach your hair be careful !!!!!!! Even if you go to a hair salon that charges a lot like this one doesn't mean they actually know what they are doing !!!!! Do your research !!!!!!!!!!! Unfortunately there is nothing LuLu's hair studio can do for me. Yes I am a freelance makeup artist. If a client doesn't like her makeup I can wipe it off with a wipe. But I lost my hair. There isn't a way to go back. I have to wait for it grow. That's all. *** I posted this on yelp and the salon contacted yelp saying there was a conflict of interest because I am a makeup artist. I have NEVER worked for LuLu’s hair studio and I paid in full for all my services !!!!

  • en

    Createurs Shop


    Amazing. See Danielle P

  • Vivienne Calabro

    Vivienne Calabro


    Love the way they cut my hair

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