Lukoil Gas Station i Saint James

Forenede StaterLukoil Gas Station



🕗 åbningstider

255, Lake Avenue, 11780, Saint James, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 631-584-0029
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.8765494, Longitude: -73.1562772

kommentar 5

  • Bavan Jhajj

    Bavan Jhajj


  • Suman Bastola

    Suman Bastola


    Excellent service, every one should visit it.

  • en

    Meilee DeFrancesco


  • Karandeep Singh

    Karandeep Singh


    Very friendly, new management, must take a visit there!

  • Alexa Chip

    Alexa Chip


    Really pissed at this place and will never come back. I was driving my car back to Hertz and just had to fill it somewhere before I got there. This place was on my way. I got out of the car and an attendant ran out to tell me this station was full service. Cool, I told him to fill my tank. He put the nozzle in my car and it filled to about 2 gallons. Perfect, since the reading on my dashboard was practically on F when I pulled up. So then the attendant comes back and STARTS FORCING MORE GAS INTO THE CAR. And I'm not talking a few cents to round it off to the nearest dollar. He added another entire GALLON into the car before I started yelling at him to stop. What the hell!?!? First off, it's mechanically not good to top off your tank like that. Second off, you're costing me more money. No excuses, you work at a gas station, you should know better. Luckily I never have to go there ever again, and you shouldn't either.

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