Lucky Finds i New York

Forenede StaterLucky Finds



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72, Newport Street, 11212, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 718-342-0873
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.6586115, Longitude: -73.9125893

kommentar 5

  • Brandon McGraw

    Brandon McGraw


    I love any opportunity where I am able to give back to the community, especially when it’s a hardworking mother and daughter team. Lucky Finds has been my go to for years in finding clothes for work, and play, as well as the occasional household item. While I live out of state, I certainly make my time to find my “lucky find” Go Team Nelson!

  • Lacrown Johnson

    Lacrown Johnson


    This is one of my secret shops. I find all the goodies here. People say "oh I love your dress!" or "I love your shirt" My response most of the time is "Lucky Finds." I realize I can't keep my little shop a secret for myself too long; so I'm letting you guys know; Lucky Finds you will find that piece to finish your outfit; I always do. Lucky Finds is great for last minute shopping needs and gifts. Not to mention the staff is really helpful and nice.

  • Andre Wood

    Andre Wood


    Best place to find hidden treasures by your favorite brands and some new up and comers. You won't find better prices.

  • Fabienne Beard- Wright

    Fabienne Beard- Wright


    Lucky Finds is the real deal, and its in my neighborhood. They sell everything: shoes, bags, jewelry, even women's lingerie. The prices are always on point. This is a small business worth supporting.

  • Courtney Nelson

    Courtney Nelson


    Lucky Finds Is An Amazing Place. I Love The Atmosphere And Customer Service. Amazing Designer Brand Name Clothing At Such Affordable Prices. Definitely Plan On Returning Very Soon.

nærmeste Tøjbutik

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