Lucille's Floral of Fishkill i Fishkill

Forenede StaterLucille's Floral of Fishkill



🕗 åbningstider

17, Church Street, 12524, Fishkill, Dutchess County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 845-896-2554
internet side:
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Latitude: 41.53674, Longitude: -73.9005

kommentar 5

  • Ben



    Lucille and her staff helped us with our wedding in 2016. It was amazing & beautiful. Very easy to communicate with and they know what they are doing. Flowers were brought a bit over day of & my wife had some changes & there were done perfectly. Thank you so much for making that portion of our wedding planning easy and smooth. Sorry for the late review! Thanks again & best of luck!

  • Dee Man

    Dee Man


    Very nice flowers for any occasion. Lucille really puts in 100 percent and cares about her business. Definitely worth a try you wont be disappointed. 5 star rated

  • Steven C

    Steven C


    I walk in 10min to closing and they have a large of vases for their store. I feel bad but they create this huge beautiful bouquet for me with huge smile. Highly recommended this store :)

  • Kelly Whalen

    Kelly Whalen


    Lucille did a wonderful job decorating our wedding!! The flowers were absolutely gorgeous! The guests and wedding party all loved them!! Thank you so much for making my vision a reality!! I highly recommend her!!

  • en

    p z


    Horrendous! Save your money and go elsewhere as this supposed florist company does not know how to operate. Family friends sent flowers along with a “warm wishes” message card as a family member was being deployed overseas. When the flowers arrived they were almost all dead in addition to the card theme being that of deepest sympathies, it wasn’t a condolence message. The fact of how egregiously wrong the card was and how the “fresh flowers” were all but lively shows the lack of care, devotion, professionalism, and empathy this company has. Completely disrespectful. Go elsewhere, you will be happy you did.

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