Lovin' Spoonfuls w Tucson

Stany ZjednoczoneLovin' Spoonfuls



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2990, North Campbell Avenue, 85719, Tucson, Pima County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 520-325-7766
strona internetowej: www.lovinspoonfuls.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.2607755, Longitude: -110.9433923

komentarze 5

  • Kristen Mozaffari

    Kristen Mozaffari


    So disappointed. All of our entrees were cold in the center. That, plus how quickly everything arrived, leads us to believe they prepare much of their food in advance and reheat it. On top of that, the food did not have much flavor. It looked much better than it tasted. For the prices they charge, this isn't really acceptable. We were so excited to visit, but we had those issues with the food, and none of the employees seemed like they wanted us there. (We were extremely polite and did not come close to closing time or anything like that.) Such a bummer. Maybe it was an off day?

  • en

    Jessica Plonka


    The food is very good, but the wait time is ridiculous. The first time I went there it took over 30 minutes for us to get our food. The second time I ate there was on my lunch break when I ordered food to go. They said it would be a half hour, no big deal, so I get there around 35 minutes later. The food still wasn't done. I waited another ten minutes for my food. It took up my whole lunch break to get my food and return to work. Not one person apologized for the wait being extra long and I told them I was getting it on my lunch break when I ordered it. The food was really good, but because of the lack of empathy and inability to have it out in a timely fashion I don't think I will be returning. The vanilla bean app has helped me find other places with lots of good vegan foods that are ready in a reasonable amount of time.

  • Rainy Nelson

    Rainy Nelson


    Don’t listen to any negative comments. This place is great and the people who work there are friendly and amazing. Prices are great and portion size is perfect!!! I went with my boyfriend, he is not vegan, he loved the food. Burgers and the chili cheese fries, is what he ordered. And guess what? Awesome! I took my daughters there and they too loved the food, better than many other places they’ve gone to. They plan on making another trip soon. Guess what? With even more people to come try the food! Amazing!

  • Barclay Brown

    Barclay Brown


    I really wanted to love this place. The menu is impressive--the food not quite as much. It took 33 minutes for the food to arrive, and only two of the three items arrived then, with the other following a few minutes later (with no apology or acknowledgement about the delay--perhaps that's the normal service time for this place?). The food was good, not great and (as other reviewers have noted) small portions. I know vegan food will probably always come at a premium, but it's hard to be excited about $9 for a small sandwich on small-ish loaf bread, a bit over-toasted, and a side item that came in a little 2-1/2" bowl. When compared to other vegan restaurants this place is probably the best or only, but if it wants to win business from other restaurants it will have to step up its game!

  • Rick Delagnes

    Rick Delagnes


    I'm not vegan but my girlfriend is. This place was the first time I had a meat substitute (S.N.I.P. Burger - try it!) and enjoyed it. The grilled cheese tasted like a grilled CHEESE. I was blown away. Highly recommend for folks like me that may not be vegan but still want to eat well when they go for vegan food with their friends. The staff was very helpful and friendly on top of the great food. Try it, you're gonna love it.

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