Louisiana Pizza Kitchen en New Orleans

Estados UnidosLouisiana Pizza Kitchen



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95, French Market Place, 70126, New Orleans, Orleans Parish, US United States
contactos teléfono: +1 504-522-9500
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 29.9611178, Longitude: -90.0582749

comentarios 5

  • Niki Patel

    Niki Patel


    If I could give 0 stars I would.. we had heard good things about the food so we went there. Sat down and asked the waiter to recommend a local brew to try.. he didn't know and named a few we asked to try of it was on tap, also ordered appetizers during the time. He came over for our dinner order and we had some questions... He told us to hold on a minute because he had to drop off food and left without answering our question. We though ok he will be back but 10 minutes later he was still not back never even dropped off our appetizers. It felt like he did not.want to serve our party of 5. We asked him to cancel our order and he felt he made a side remark.

  • Cassie Billiot

    Cassie Billiot


    Loved it. Great service, food, dessert, and so clean. Our server was Jessica and she was so sweet, friendly, and attentive. Will definitely be coming back! Thanks!

  • en

    Kathy Baker


    Great service and atmosphere. We went based on the suggestion of my brother and we were not disappointed. The pizza was fantastic. I love the thin crust that is slightly chewy. We had drinks, salads, pizza and dessert. Everything was perfect.

  • Tommy Mac

    Tommy Mac


    If you're coming here just for a standard pepperoni pizza, you won't be disappointed. But, you'll also be missing out. There are quite a few tasty options on the menu that depart from your standard fare. Do yourself and your tastebuds a favor and try one of their creations here. Get the pepperoni for the kids, but get something new for yourself. You won't be disappointed.

  • Carlos Emilio Rivera Warner

    Carlos Emilio Rivera Warner


    Conveniently located at the end of the French Market, the restaurant is right on the corner and easy to spot. We went I because they had gluten free pizza and pasta, for a member of our party. Our server was attentive, if a bit slow. But that often is the case when you go to a restaurant that doesn't close between lunch and dinner. You come in that in between time and it's a bit if a crapshoot. Nevertheless, everything we ordered was delicious. We tried a couple of appetizers, pizzas and salads, and bread pudding for dessert. Oh, and we had cocktails and beer, as well. Overall, it was a very pleasant experience so I would recommend it.

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