Lotus Family Dental LLC. w Elmwood Park

Stany ZjednoczoneLotus Family Dental LLC.


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

1, Broadway, 07407, Elmwood Park, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-791-7005
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.9185134, Longitude: -74.1287215

komentarze 5

  • Bob Hresko

    Bob Hresko


    Been going to Dr Dubover for at least 20 years. Would never consider another dentist. The best!

  • Dani Mial

    Dani Mial


    I’ve been going to this dental office for years. The staff is always really nice, welcoming, and helpful in any of my dental procedures, as well as in helping me with any questions I have while setting up my appointments. They’ve always made sure to take care of me and my dental needs. I’ll definitely continue going to them, and I recommend that others go too.

  • en

    Lynn Tarant


    I have been using Dr. Dubover for many years. I followed him from his old office to current location. He put in an implant for me several years ago and it is still great. I am in the process of getting 2 new implants and have all the confidence in his ability as well as his staff! I wish implants were covered by insurance but that is NOT this office fault. Hopefully some day the insurance companies will realize that not everyone wants to pull there teeth out for false teeth which are covered.

  • en

    Rita Zutler


    Be aware of all charges by this dentist. You will be charged out of pocket and be told that your insurance doesn't cover the procedure you received. BIG LIARS.

  • Roman Genut

    Roman Genut


    Watch for your insurance information. You will be surprised by them that the recommended appointment and the insurance claim was put 2 weeks ahead of coverage time and now you have to pay it out of your pocket. The hygienist is one of the worst, but they charge 135 dollars vs 95 that average hygienist or doctor could charge you. They don't negotiate their mistake of the putting early insurance claim, but put they you on the collection immediately. Why do I have to pay if I have insurance? They messed it up, but now they expect me to pay them 135 dollars for lousy cleaning. Good luck to you if you come to them.

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