Lost In Time Toy Store w Fulton

Stany ZjednoczoneLost In Time Toy Store



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11200, Scaggsville Road, 20759, Fulton, Howard County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 301-776-8697
strona internetowej: lostintimetoystore.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 39.147079, Longitude: -76.900429

komentarze 5

  • Patty Garcia

    Patty Garcia


    Tons of toys and collectibles to look at, something for everyone. The owner was there and he was super friendly and personable.

  • en

    Greg Hendrickson


    A nice comprehensive selection of toys and collectables throughout the years with a lot to offer the Star Wars fan. Lots of items available from vintage video games, magic cards, to Transformers and die cast. Pricing is high but understandable due to the brick and mortar store but you can make an offer. I'll be going back.

  • Elisa A

    Elisa A


    This place was absolutely amazing. So many original items from when I was a kid. I walked out with a huge action figure of Lion-O from Thundercats. Maybe I was a little obsessed but definitely worth the purchase.

  • Alejandro Chavarria

    Alejandro Chavarria


    This place is a hidden gem. It has something for every type of collector. The staff is really friendly. I got lost in here trying to visually consume the entire store. If you're a Marvel fan, Star Wars, DC, etc., they have what you're looking for. Thank you for great customer service!

  • Phil G

    Phil G


    Recently moved into a larger space, Lost In Time has even more space that is already packed to the rafters with something for young and young at heart. The inventory is well catalogued, if you find something on their website or eBay store, you can drop by and pick it up instantly. The store has so many surprises, you are likely to find something you had as a kid but it slipped your mind as adult life took over. Treat yourself to a favorite toy or trinket for those days when you didn't have a care in the world.

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