Lost Cities Beads w San Diego

Stany ZjednoczoneLost Cities Beads



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2802, Juan Street, 92110, San Diego, San Diego County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 619-692-1114
strona internetowej: lostcitiesbeads.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.7561342, Longitude: -117.1972077

komentarze 5

  • Myth Tech Creations

    Myth Tech Creations


    Wide selection of loose and strand beads, also chain by the foot. Very good quality and nice folks inside.

  • Nick Weiss

    Nick Weiss


    Need beads? They got em! I get glass beads for fishing gear, and other beads for various projects and gifts for the kids and family. It's a small store but I've never been disappointed when looking for something, and they have beads made of some very interesting things too.... ancient Chinese coins, snake bones (!), all kinds of cool stuff.

  • Raylene Cobb

    Raylene Cobb


    A cute shop with a good selection of beads, gem stobes..etc. The two ladies that work here are very helpful and nice.

  • NobleBookPirate



    Three experiences: 1) Many years ago, I bought a variety of beads but when it came time to use them most of the holes were too small. I was told "There's nothing we can do about it." "It's on the people who drill the beads." "You might want to consider getting smaller string." I was using 1mm string at the time so now I'm using 0.5mm. This seems to work for awhile... 2) A couple of months ago, I bought more beads and I run into the same problem. The Labradorite beads were drilled so small my 0.5mm string wouldn't go through. I'm not willing to size down on string again so now I have to look into getting a bead reamer set. 3) Same time as the Labradorite beads, I was looking into getting more Blue Lace Agate. Last time I bought them they were about $12. I found them under the name "Chalcedony" and they were charging $32. I asked them about it but never got an explaination as to why the price was nearly tripled. I will be getting my beads somewhere else.

  • en

    Diane Riggan


    Love the variation and selection of beads, findings and supplies. Every time I come in from Florida to visit family I stop in not just for the homemade cookies.

najbliższy Jubiler

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