Los Angeles Bakery w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneLos Angeles Bakery



🕗 godziny otwarcia

729, Flushing Avenue, 11206, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-782-7023
strona internetowej: facebook.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7006446, Longitude: -73.9434794

komentarze 5

  • en

    Jennifer Jacobs


    Great pastries, great price and so fresh!!! Definitely a new favorite for my family!!

  • virignia burgos

    virignia burgos


    I get all my kids birthday cakes there any cake I need the Dominican guy there does it exactly as you asked

  • Gillian Dekkers

    Gillian Dekkers


    nice bagel, service very slow, decent prices

  • en

    Rosa Sanchez


    I was a costumer until a year ago, that I learn how to do my own cakes do to the fact that I'm a party planer and I was buying the cakes from them, but I was noticing that every time I would get a cake the price went up for me but not for other people, a cake that I bought for 120 dollars was sold to a friend of mines for 80 the same one the only thing that change was the color of the cream, I made an order of cookies 2 monthes ahead of time, I was specific on the colors that I wanted the cookies to be, 2 days b4 the party my cookies were not made couse they don't have the sprinkle colors that I wanted, mine you there's a party supply store about a block away from them this is not the first time it has happen 2 many times I would make orders and they never have the supply, or make my order on the last day and not give me what I wanted, this place I give a 1 star couse I can't give them something lower becouse they take advantage of paying customers, what ever happen to costumers are always right not in this place

  • Alberto Bassi

    Alberto Bassi


    Unfortunately this is the only bakery in the area. I tried a pastry filled with cream, but it tasted old and stale. Cakes are quite tasteless with poor decorations. The place is small and doesn't really look clean and neat... that's a shame..

najbliższy Piekarnia

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