Looney & Sons Upholstery w Fairfax

Stany ZjednoczoneLooney & Sons Upholstery



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2839, Dorr Avenue, 22031, Fairfax, Fairfax County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 703-560-9104
strona internetowej: www.looneyandsonsupholstery.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.8749338, Longitude: -77.2334947

komentarze 5

  • en

    Thomas Schoene


    Good pricing and excellent quality work.

  • en

    Benny Agee


    I recently had a chair refinished that was my mother's. I would only trust Looney and Sons with the task. I have used them numerous times over the years with great success. I have recommended them to family as well as my customers who have always come back with the same great report. Thanks again!

  • btpuppy2



    I had a slightly complicated situation, a mesh backed office chair seat that had cracked across the plastic base. We knew it would entail more to fix it than we were able to do ourselves, and I did not want to have to replace my favorite chair as nothing is made as well today. I sent pictures to Ryan at Looney, and he said they could fix it no problem, and he gave me a price which was reasonable. Dropped it off on a Saturday and said I needed to pick it up on the following Saturday. They ended up using a plastic welder and a brace to fix it which is exactly the kind of thing it needed and they were not things we could do at home. Picked it up and it was fixed and all went smoothly. Highly recommended!

  • en

    gustavo rosario


    Great service and work. They were very nice and went beyond to help me. The very nice lady didn't charge me for the zipper and said merry christmas. They won my services now and future.

  • Steve Willard

    Steve Willard


    I had a small odd job. Guy was friendly, looked at my project and said no problem. Asked if there was a chance I could get it today and he said, Give me 5 minutes. Very happy with this place, glad I took a shot and stopped in.

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