Longo's Landscaping w Saint James

Stany ZjednoczoneLongo's Landscaping



🕗 godziny otwarcia

27, Marchant Drive, 11780, Saint James, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-862-8605
strona internetowej: www.longoslandscaping.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.862915, Longitude: -73.1682809

komentarze 5

  • en

    Maria Dutkiewicz


    Extremely unprofessional company. I scheduled an appointment for a Saturday because they could not accommodate evening appointments. I had to miss my daughter's soccer practice for the apt. Then no one shows up or calls to reschedule. I called serveral times and left messages that went unanswered. I finally called from work and the mother who answers the phone said she never received any messages. We rescheduled the apt for today and once again no one showed up or called to cancel. Very upsetting since the mother knew I had to miss my daughter's soccer practice for a second time. I should have listened to the other reviews, but I decided to give them a chance. I would highly recommend not trusting this company especially if you end up having problems with the work done. They're almost impossible to get on the phone.

  • Anthony Savino

    Anthony Savino


    Ive been working with Longo's Landscaping since 2005 and have had a great experience. They have done all the masonry work on my property and lawn maintenance as well. Great work!

  • Nick Minerva

    Nick Minerva


    These Guys are Awesome. They Always take Pride in their work. Family Owned & Operated. Call them for all your Masonry & Landscaping needs.

  • Sarada S.

    Sarada S.


    Customer service is terrible, misplaced payments and more. Watched landscapers shove small branches that feel off a tree back into the tree so they didn't need to pick them up. We picked up most of my small son's toys but rather than shove them aside on the grass they were thrown on the driveway and run over.

  • en

    Season Gorny


    Longo's Landscaping did our new patio which included a seating wall and fire pit. We are so pleased with the fabulous work they did. Their staff is professional and clean. Carmine was a pleasure to work with and helped create our backyard into a relaxing beautiful environment. We also hired Carmine and his crew to do our plants and flowers, which came out beautiful as well. I will be recommending Longo's to everyone and will be using them on any future projects! Great work!!!!

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