Long Island Swimming School i Syosset

Forenede StaterLong Island Swimming School



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170, Michael Drive, 11791, Syosset, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-378-8467
internet side: www.longislandswimschool.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.8049824, Longitude: -73.5162814

kommentar 5

  • en

    Russell Sawyer


    The staff is great, very helpful. Within 5 weeks my 2 year old was in the pool swimming on his own with a float belt. He can’t wait to go to his lesson each week. Highly recommended.

  • en

    Neerja Rana


    Place is good Rude manager. Don’t want to cooperate for 1 make up class if you didn’t sign 1st 500

  • en

    Lilia F.


    I have 2 children ages 11 and 7 attending Long Island Swimming School Syosset for the second year. Previous this swimming school we went for 1 year to other place but the results were barely visible. I drive 1 hour to get to Long Island Swimming School Syosset from Great Neck. Is very far but is worth it. During 1 year at this swimming school my 11 years old son got from lane 3 to Stroke Clinic Middle Level and my 7 years old daughter from lane 2 to lane 4, doing pretty well. The place is very clean, plenty of chairs to sit while waiting, the coaches are very involved in teaching the kids to swim. They have a very serious approach to it which I appreciate a lot. So far we are going ahead for 1 year more looking forward to great results. I would love to have a place like this in Great Neck or closer so I wouldn't drive 1 hour going there (lots of traffic) and 30 min. coming back (less traffic). Thank you Long Island Swimming School Syosset! Maybe you should open a new swimming school in Great Neck Area as well...

  • Kathy Sacoulas

    Kathy Sacoulas


    Both my daughters have attended for the last year. Great coaches and clean facility. They have both improved greatly over the last year.

  • en

    Hyunsun Lee


    Place is nice. Very clean and tidy. Coaches and teachers are very passionate and teach with full potential. Very safe environment for kids and very happy with the organization.

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