Long Island Bagel Cafe w East Northport

Stany ZjednoczoneLong Island Bagel Cafe



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355, Larkfield Road, 11731, East Northport, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-486-8200
strona internetowej: libagelcafe.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8696878, Longitude: -73.3220136

komentarze 5

  • Matthew Guerra

    Matthew Guerra


    Pretty good bagels, great spreads and salads. They even get your order right most of the time!

  • Greg Spinks

    Greg Spinks


    Amazing food great service. You won't find a better deli..

  • Kevin J Moore

    Kevin J Moore


    Service is friendly. Food is great. Always end up paying a different price for the same order day to day (+/-$1).

  • Danielle M

    Danielle M


    I enjoy the bagels, but they need to make more diet bagels, it's hit or miss getting a diet bagel after 2pm. Also they close at 9pm but several times at 6pm they only have plain, egg, sesame, cinnamon raisin bagels left because they threw all the others out. While I was ordering one night, a worker came from the back and asked why all the bagels were thrown out. I don't understand why the bagels cannot be kept until at least 8pm if closing at 9pm. This has caused me to not go to the bagel place for dinner as often because the selection is small after 6pm. The bagels are good and worth it for dinner, but the selection is small not because they run out of bagels but because they get rid of them.

  • Phineas Reichert

    Phineas Reichert


    Great prices. I love bagels. NY bagels are the best. I always enjoy getting a breakfast sandwich here. It replaced the deli that had been in East Northport for years, but it's better, cleaner, and in a new building so I can't complain. Egg bagels are really good here. I like that there is a seating area. The salads here are pretty good, but are better at other delis.

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