loanDepot en Rye

Estados UnidosloanDepot


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96, Purchase Street, 10580, Rye, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 914-921-0649
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Latitude: 40.9849725, Longitude: -73.6842789

comentarios 5

  • en

    Michel Montvelisky


    As first-time home buyers, we were very hesitant about the mortgage application process, and had an endless list of questions regarding costs and procedures. In that context, Jon Yellon and his team were simply outstanding. Jon took the time to explain all the terms, costs, and alternatives thoroughly, in a very friendly and honest manner. Patricia helped us along the application process, collecting all the information, and answering all our emails/calls promptly and professionally. In retrospect, LoanDepot made a true pleasure of what we feared would be a complicated and stressful process. We owe our sincere gratitude and appreciation to Jon and his team.

  • Frank Miceli

    Frank Miceli


    Jon is a true professional and really cares. He helped and guided my son, a first time buyer, through the process of getting a mortgage. He explained the process and followed through on every promise! I highly recommend him.

  • Kathy



    I initially met Jonathan for business and in that experience have come to have high regard for him as a business person, leader and phenomenal human being. He’s down to earth, quick, funny and puts you at ease as you make your way through the lending world experience. I am truly grateful to have had him in my corner. I sought his direction and advice far outside of his specific expertise in the mortgage industry and he didn’t let me down. I call him the “Money Man”. He’s a keen, savvy business person with a team of folks who themselves are extraordinary. He had my back for which I will always remember and be grateful. I would recommend Jonathan and team without reservation or hesitation.

  • Jack Browning

    Jack Browning


    Jonathan was extremely helpful in getting an FHA loan done for a first-time home purchase (Multi-family property) in New Rochelle. This is not an easy task by any means, and he was able to navigate through the process in a professional manner. I'm not sure it could have been done with someone who had less experience or expertise. Very appreciative and highly recommended.

  • en

    Jason Orchard


    Jon and team were extremely helpful when I decided to refinance my mortgage. I thought I had an attractive mortgage and was skeptical Jon could find me a significantly better rate. Much to my surprise, he came back with a number of very attractive options and walked me through the various terms and payment schedules. After making my choice, he took care of all the paperwork and ensured I borrowed at the promised rate. His help has saved me thousands.

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