Little Smoke Shack w Sacramento

Stany ZjednoczoneLittle Smoke Shack



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3291, Truxel Road, 94833, Sacramento, Sacramento County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 916-922-7566
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.6263821, Longitude: -121.4991292

komentarze 5

  • en

    Cory Grundy


    Basically keep your head down in mind your own business a lot of activities going on around there with those youngsters but one thing I don't get it the police constantly drive up and down the street on both sides and they never going to the parking lot and enforce to get those people in front of the store so you're not regular customers can go in there without have no worry about being robbed or anyting but I guess it's more of them buying and making sales out of that store then it's us regular customers just try and go in there and get our stuff and get out without being harassed I just try to get in and out as fast as I can I suggest you do the same.

  • Michael Frechen

    Michael Frechen


    Best cigarette prices I’ve found in S. Natomas, and they accept mobile coupons. Be aware that if paying by debit or credit card, there’s a $0.50 surcharge.

  • en

    Juan Rodriguez


    Price and selection is more than decent. Staff needs work.

  • Rochelle P

    Rochelle P


    Good price on tobacco and tubes. Nice man at the counter.

  • Carrie Tucker-Pollard

    Carrie Tucker-Pollard


    I have been a customer for years here and used to be treated with friendliness and respect, but those days are clearly gone. I walked into an empty store and had to wait while the counter guy finished whatever was more important on his smart phone. When he did finally acknowledge me, the second he knew I had questions about the brand new pipe I was given as a gift, he was confrontational. He complained that the only receipt we had wasn't itemized--really? Who's responsible for that? He was unwilling to even show me how to use it, let alone, replace it. He told me that 2 months was too long to have waited to return, despite being assured at the time of purchase that it would be no problem. When I explained I am disabled and this was the first opportunity to bring it back, he got even worse. I am disgusted and will NEVER give them my business again. My anxiety caused me to use language I'm none too proud of, but, I was painfully and rudely provoked.

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