Little Oddfellows i Seattle

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterLittle Oddfellows



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1521, 10th Avenue, 98122, Seattle, King County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 206-323-1511
internet side:
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Latitude: 47.6146242, Longitude: -122.3197978

kommentar 5

  • Gabe O'Leary

    Gabe O'Leary


    For somewhere that caters to people doing work on their laptops you'd think they could invest a little bit extra money in a quality router/internet connection. Both my girl friend and I were unable to access the internet in any form via their wifi.

  • Michael Makowsky

    Michael Makowsky


    Classic bookstore coffee shop. Lovely coffee. Great place to read and work.

  • Sue Frause

    Sue Frause


    Stopped in for an ice tea on this hot day in Seattle. Delicious Hibiscus on ice, with limitless refills. Nice!

  • Serina Gee

    Serina Gee


    Cozy little spot with good tea and coffee, though not much space or outlets. We definitely got some work done here though!

  • John Turman

    John Turman


    Delicious food and coffee in a wonderful, open and bright Capitol Hill bookstore. The atmosphere here is quiet and relaxed-perfect for waiting on a table at oddfellows or any of the outstanding neighboring brunch spots.

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