Little Falls Family Dental i Little Falls

Forenede StaterLittle Falls Family Dental



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1540, U.S. 46, 07424, Little Falls, Passaic County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 973-812-6550
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Latitude: 40.885117, Longitude: -74.210594

kommentar 5

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    Vanessa Schwippert


    whenever you call they’re really nice but always busy- takes forever. cleaning took 3 minutes- x-rays took longer than that. waited for an hour for a consultation with the oral surgeon to see about my molars getting taken out but i left because i don’t trust them at this point to put me under and do surgery if they can’t do something as simple as seeing me in a timely fashion. i get it it’s busy but no one told me i’d have to wait or why... and when i asked they said they didn’t know COOL going elsewhere

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    Geraldine Oquendo


    The pedricatric dentist is amazing. My kids show no fear coming in. She is amazing. The staff at the front also good. The financial advisor in office is very helpful with questions concerning billing.

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    aaron startzman


    Such an amazing place to go. Never have had to have work done but everyone in the office is so friendly and makes you want to come back time after time.

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    Jennifer Cannizzaro


    Love this place!! Friendly staff and excellent dentist!! Waiting room was packed, however, I did not wait long and was called in a little before my scheduled appointment time!! Bianca the hygienist was very professional and performed an excellent job!! I will continue to be a patient here!!

  • Porfirio P. Pasia

    Porfirio P. Pasia


    Staff was great and friendly. my 4 year old daughter was happy and I thought the way they treated children was a plus. Unfortunately, they never told me ahead of time that my insurance no longer covered at that office and staff never told me until after I arrived there. I made the appointment for my daughter a month earlier over the phone and gave them my insurance information and said it was no problem.

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