Little Caesars Pizza w Phoenix

Stany ZjednoczoneLittle Caesars Pizza



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933, North 16th Street, 85006, Phoenix, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 602-258-0309
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większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.4584726, Longitude: -112.0471542

komentarze 5

  • en

    Julian Valencia


    The food is good, but it is time consuming. I ordered a pepperoni pizza and a crazy combo. They said I was a five to seven minute wait. Next thing I know twenty minutes go by.

  • Matthew Olsen

    Matthew Olsen


    i got a free lunch today from Little. Caesar's, which included a four piece deep dish pepperoni pizza and 20 oz drink. i wasn't expecting the pizza to be that delicious, being from Chicago, deep dish pizza capital, this pizza reminded me of home. i was bound and determined to eat the entire thing but was perfectly stuffed at thee pieces. i was expecting a very small pizza and free food chaos but i was thankfully wrong on both parts, the pizza was huge and the quick and efficient operation at my local Little Caesar's, 16th St and Roosevelt, was nothing short of impressive!

  • en

    Amber Anthony


    I've been in the food industry before. 6 years. This was by far the worst service in the shortest amount of time ever. There were over 7 orders that were places and finished after mine. Once the pizza started to come out the employees in the back were calling out my name as in a comedic way... I never leave reviews that are negative but this was rediculous. Please check the maturity level of your staff.

  • en

    Tonia Lynn Nadeau


    First time we went I had no problem getting fresh pizza made while we waited. It was delicious. The last 2 times, I requested it to be fresh and the one time, I came back to pick it up and it looked old. She insisted it was fresh. today, I decided to stay and watch to see if they really made it fresh. I waited, then watch this heavy set guy with glasses pull an old pizza from the warmer and put it back through the oven. I stood and watched. He kept looking nervously at me. So I waited. One pizza was 100% fresh. The other was reheated. They lied straight to my face telling me they made it fresh. I even told them what I saw them do. :( wish there was a manager NOT sketchy or under 21 that actually had professional skills to talk to about this kind of service. Sad that kids these days are being trained that cutting corners in business with customers is ok.

  • en

    Monika Piazza


    Really quick service. During lunch hours they always have cheese and pepperoni pizzas made. Staff is friendly. Parking lot is a little crowded. Not too many spaces available, so it can be a little tough at lunchtime. Quality pizza for great prices.

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