Li's Bowl w Phoenix

Stany ZjednoczoneLi's Bowl



🕗 godziny otwarcia

6260, South 35th Avenue, 85041, Phoenix, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 602-268-8500
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.389415, Longitude: -112.1342525

komentarze 5

  • Mike M

    Mike M


    I'm no sushi expert, but I love the sushi here. Good prices on the apps and the standard dishes are good.

  • Joe Allan

    Joe Allan


    Li’s Bowl has been a staple of our dining options for over 5 years. The dishes are delicious and the portions per cost is great! It can definitely fill you up! Great sushi and soup options, and a range of appetizers. We are not a big fan of the fried rice; we prefer the fluffy steamed rice as it complements the entrées. We stop by once a week, sometimes twice, for dinner options. After coming in for so long, we are on a first name basis with the employees and advise others in the neighborhood to stop by Li’s Bowl. One of the few Laveen businesses we stand behind! Please check them out!

  • en

    Jeanne Silver


    The Chinese food is usaully great however the sushi was subpar. The fish was poorly cut and the sizes of the pieces were super tiny. The wonton soup was gross the meat was definitely off in the wontons! Pretty much a waste of my money.

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    Owen Yoshishige


    Great portions, sushi was pretty good for its price. I ordered a regular Mongolian chicken plate w/ fried rice and was disappointed. The chicken had no flavor in it and the fried rice was pretty plain. I will definitely go again for the sushi.

  • en

    MsB Dilly


    The veggie fried rice had a nice flavor, sadly it was missing the classic egg in the fried rice. I ordered the chicken wings but they had added in drumsticks and the chicken had a interesting smell (like uncooked) and threw them away. But again the rice was good

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