Lindskoog Florist w Minneapolis

Stany ZjednoczoneLindskoog Florist



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#210 Int'l Center Skyway Level, 920 2nd Avenue South, Downtown Minneapolis, Minneapolis, MN 55402, USA
kontakt telefon: +1 612-333-5357
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 44.973221, Longitude: -93.272044

komentarze 5

  • en

    Sara Schield


    I ordered flowers over the phone from out of town to send to my sister. It was a very pleasant experience and they were able to deliver the flowers the same afternoon, when I ordered that morning. My sister loves what the florists put together! She sent me a picture and I was very happy with the quality. I found their prices to be reasonable and the customer service over the phone was great! The email confirmation came right after I ordered and the flowers were delivered in a timely manner. I plan on ordering from Lindskoog Florist in the future!

  • en

    Laurie Benson


    Ordered flowers for daughter for Valentines Day for delivery 3 blocks away with delivery instructions. No flowers were delivered at all-no phone call and no response to email today. Update - Flowers were delivered as promised-there was a mix up at delivery site. Received follow up email from florist-very satisfied with this merchant

  • en

    Jim Lee


    I choose Lindskoog because they had great ratings on YELP. I placed an order with them and purchased a dozen roses. I even upgraded to the premium for an additional $30. On top of that I purchased a box of chocolate. Everything totalled $150. My delicery location was three blocks from them. I even wrote them a note that delivery should be made before noon. My girldriend leaves work at 4pm. My flowers did not get to her until almost 4:58pm on Valentine's Day. (I have the email confirmation to prove this). My surprise was completely RUINED. And they forgot to deliver the damn chocolates. I HAD to call in for them to deliver the next day. I had a bad experience with them and will never order from them again. The delivery location was 3 blocks away from them and they couldn't get it there before 4pm???......COME ON NOW!

  • en

    Travis Fawver


    $115 bucks, including and extra $20 to deliver them 3 blocks and they showed up AFTER work hours in a package so shredded it looks like a toddler's Christmas present. Provided 0 estimated time of arrival and almost no information on order confirmation beyond a number, which will not help as they do not respond to emails or phone calls in the same day.

  • James Walsh

    James Walsh


    Very friendly, with lots of gift options at very reasonable prices. Quality is very good, as is the selection. This little setup was just what I was looking for!

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