Limonata w Albuquerque

Stany ZjednoczoneLimonata



🕗 godziny otwarcia

3222, Silver Avenue Southeast, 87106, Albuquerque, Bernalillo County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 505-266-0607
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.0789567, Longitude: -106.6085583

komentarze 5

  • Amanda Ortloff

    Amanda Ortloff


    We stopped by for a quick bite. This was our first time here, and instantly we felt at home, as if we were regulars from the neighborhood. The food was absolutely amazing!! So good that we ate it all before we could take a picture. 😁

  • Alireza T Afshari

    Alireza T Afshari


    Nice and cozy place to start ur day. Good coffees and breakfasts. I had Borgia coffee ( with orange zest) and bacon burrito. I loved my coffee bc I haven’t had such a flavor plus zest I can tell it’s good to try it in fall ( instead of pumpkin) . Their burrito is my favorite so yummy but not greasy. I read about their crepes too and I need to try it. If they serve coffees in mugs not paper ones I would give them more stars but for now 4 ⭐️.

  • Diana



    I've finally found a place that has a variety of crepes and so many options!! They had sandwiches,drinks, burritos and savory and sweet crepes. I got the Nutella crepes and the monte Cristo crepe with the lavender white Mocha latte. The latte was very sweet, I wish they had an option for sweetness. I will definetly be back to try more of their menu.

  • Joshua Lovato

    Joshua Lovato


    Food was great. Service was excellent. Waffles, Breakfast crepe and Adure Crepe

  • Mahalia Polk

    Mahalia Polk


    Okay, to start with the area is beautiful and quiet. The staff is friendly, upbeat, and so helpful even as it got busy. We sat outside; all of their tables have some shade and are perfectly positioned to catch breezes. Now the food: we ordered a green chili chicken crepe (🥵) and the frangipane primo crepe. The savory crepe was so delicious and spicy with a chicken fillet folded in and stuffed with potatoes, the sweet was COVERED in delicious fresh fruit and filled with delicious almond paste. The food was so good and the portions were perfect (we shared two crepes between three adults). We also order lattes and they were splendid. 10/10 would recommend, an excellent brunch spot with something for everyone.

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