Lighthouse Insurance Babylon en North Babylon

Estados UnidosLighthouse Insurance Babylon



🕗 horarios

1456, Deer Park Avenue, 11703, North Babylon, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 631-274-3500
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.7469004, Longitude: -73.3239408

comentarios 5

  • Lisa Vasquez

    Lisa Vasquez


    Very helpful, and always on top of their clients. I have been using Lighthouse for several years and always been satisfied. Lia and Brian who are brokers are always doing there job diligently and always calls if there is an issue on my policy. Highly recommend them.

  • en

    cathy Chan


    My insurance spot, they are good.

  • en

    mike parise


    Do not use this insurance broker, they are underhanded , i was never informed about my insurance renewal which was sent to lighthouse from the insurance carrier,they waited til the expiration date of my policy then told me it was cancelled,which means i have no insurance, as a paid broker isnt it their job to inform you so this sort of thing doesn't happen. Lighthouse waits till it expires so they can sell you a new policy at a higher rate and collect on another brokers fee as well. New York State dept.of insurance will be notified, lighthouse insurance is a SCAM

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    veronica mendoza


    I've been insured with lighthouse for years, they are always helpful! They are professional, on top of their customer call backs and help with reminding me of my monthly payment. They have helped me with my renewal rates every year making sure i have the cheapest rate possible. Thanks lighthouse!

  • en

    Brittanyerin Haller


    I've called twice now gave all my information (social security number, license number) i was told id get a call back with a quote and almost a week later and I haven't gotten a call back. I was just trying to get a quote out of curiosity. Thankfully I am not insured with lighthouse

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