LifeRoom by Four Seasons w Holbrook

Stany ZjednoczoneLifeRoom by Four Seasons



🕗 godziny otwarcia

5005, Veterans Highway, 11741, Holbrook, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 844-695-4337
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.776943, Longitude: -73.069362

komentarze 5

  • en

    D Perry


    I have made 3 appointments for a liferoom and windows and no one ever shows up

  • Melissa Lane

    Melissa Lane


    Great experience! The sales team was extremely knowledgeable and the service provided was beyond what I had thought. Would definitely recommend them and I love the room!

  • en

    Camille Riggs


    Excellent company with great products. Visit the showroom to see how amazing the LifeRoom is! Highly recommend a LifeRoom, which will bring added value to your outdoor oasis.

  • Justin Stibbins

    Justin Stibbins


    Was introduced to the concept of LifeRoom by a friend and ended up getting one. This company was amazing to deal with. Answered all of my questions and provided quality service. Would definitely recommend both this company and their amazing products!

  • Nicholas R Bento

    Nicholas R Bento


    Called and set up an appointment, got an email saying when it would be, and that I would receive a call to confirm. Never received a call. I tried calling the number they provided in the email, but the number was disconnected. Tried calling their main office, and my call was answered by an "answering service" that evidently answers their calls when they are too busy. I called twice and both times was assured I'd receive a call back to resolve my issue. Never got a call, no one ever showed up. As others here have said, don't waste your time. It's a shame as the product looked really great, but seems impossible to actually get it.

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